Note: The fundraising commitment feature can only be used on P2P In-Person Event campaign types. It cannot be used in conjunction with activity tracking and pledging.
Fundraising commitments can be used when you want to require that participants fundraise a certain amount or more. If a participant does not meet their minimum fundraising commitment, you would have the option to charge them for whatever is remaining of their commitment.
Fundraising minimums are most common in cycling, race, and other endurance events, but are not limited to them. Because such events often require additional planning and logistics, a fundraising commitment ensures that your event will be able to raise a set amount of funds to help cover the costs of offering the event or meet a specific target.
Fundraising commitments can also deepen a participant’s connection to your campaign. When a participant signs up and agrees to the fundraising commitment, they know there is responsibility on their part to help you reach your goal. Commitments may deter participants that are more likely to cancel, no-show, or sign up without any fundraising effort, but when used appropriately they can motivate your supporters and increase your fundraising potential.
What to expect when enabling fundraising commitments
If you are considering using this feature, it may be helpful to review this summary of how it works for both you and your supporters.
For Campaign Managers
You will need to provide the commitment amount, deadline, and any customizations to the default waiver when you enable a fundraising commitment on a ticket.
If you have different levels of fundraising commitments, you will need to create separate tickets for each commitment level.
You will be able to monitor participants and their progress in your Commitments table, which will show you both a cumulative summary of progress but also each individual’s progress towards their goal.
You will have the option to waive a fundraising commitment for any individual.
You will have the option to charge individuals who have not met their individual fundraising commitment once the deadline has passed. It is not required that you charge anyone – you determine if you want to initiate the charge.
If choosing to initiate a charge, you can choose to charge someone for the full amount of their remainder, or customize a lower amount. You cannot charge someone more than their commitment.
You will be able to message all fundraisers with active or overdue fundraising commitments to remind them about any deadlines.
Your Event Check In feature will allow you to initiate a charge as part of the check-in process if you need to ensure all participants arriving have met their commitment.
For Participants
Participants will see which ticket(s) have a fundraising commitment at registration, as the ticket will show fundraising commitment and the deadline that they need to raise it by.
Participants will be required to enter their credit card number (even if the ticket is free) to put a credit card on file.
Participants will be required to agree to a waiver reminding them of the minimum fundraising commitment and the deadline, plus any terms or expectations that you note.
The Fundraising Welcome Email that participants with a fundraising commitment receive includes a reminder of their commitment and the deadline.
After registration, participants will be able to monitor their commitment progress at any time by clicking “View My Commitment” on their fundraising page. They will see their progress, the deadline, and be able to change their card on file if needed.
Note: If a participant was registered for a ticket with a minimum fundraising commitment by someone else, that participant must follow the link in the invite email they receive to claim their fundraising page. Upon doing so, they will be prompted to provide their credit card number and agree to the waiver. If participants do not complete this step, their commitment status will be labeled as “Not accepted” when you monitor your fundraising commitments.
Tips for implementing fundraising commitments
Fundraising commitments should be used with careful planning to ensure they’re a good fit for your event. Enabling a fundraising commitment without a clear plan can create a poor experience for your fundraisers and for your organization. You want individuals to feel empowered and excited to fundraise for your cause and help you reach your goal – not confused about what their commitment means.
Determine the appropriate level for the fundraising commitment(s)
Consider the size and cost of your event. Too high of a commitment may be unreachable and too low many actually stall your fundraising efforts if participants meet their commitment and feel like that’s all that’s expected of them.
Reflect on the profile and capacity of your target audience. Would multiple levels of fundraising commitments with varied ticket prices create more flexibility for participants looking to join?
Communicate expectations clearly and transparently
Be clear about how your fundraising commitment works, how it will help your cause, and what will happen if they are unable to meet their commitment. You’ll also want to stay in regular communication with participants about their progress to both celebrate their success and motivate them to reach their goal.
Provide support and recognition to fundraisers
Have a plan for what sort of fundraising guidance and support you’ll provide along the way. To ensure fundraisers are successful in meeting their commitment, you should have resources prepared to help them feel confident in fundraising for your cause.