If fundraising commitments are enabled on your campaign, you will want to have a plan for providing reminders, resources, and encouragement to your fundraisers. While your campaign’s Message Center lets you contact all participants, you have another tool available to message just individuals who have active or overdue fundraising commitments.
This can be particularly useful if you want to send a notification to participants who are overdue about your plans to charge them or if your event date is fast approaching and you want to send participants who haven’t yet met their commitment a reminder of the deadline.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Under the Raise tab, scroll down to your Donations table and select the Commitments tab.
In the Commitments table, click the Message button.
A pop-up will appear that will let you message all fundraisers who have active or overdue commitments. Enter your message and click Send.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if someone replies to my message? Will it come to my inbox?
The message pop-up will confirm the email address the message is coming from. If participants reply, the email listed is who they will reach. The email shown is the email of the Pledge It account you’re currently logged in as.
Can I see a history of messages I’ve sent to fundraisers with fundraising commitments?
Messages sent with this feature do not appear in your Message Center and you won’t be able to view a history of reminders sent with this tool. If you would like to keep a record of your communication about reminders, we recommend that you download your Participants report to grab the emails of the relevant fundraisers and use your own email service. Your Participant’s report will include a column noting if their commitment has been fulfilled or not so you can easily filter to view the correct contacts.