Note: Tickets can be added to the following campaign types that support registration:
In-Person Event
P2P In-Person Event
Virtual Challenge
Multi-participant registration (the ability for someone to register multiple people in the same order) is only available on In-Person Event and P2P In-Person Events. Review campaign types.
When organizing an event or peer-to-peer fundraiser, you can curate the registration experience for your participants using tickets, which can be free or paid. When participants join your event, they can select their ticket or registration preference and answer any questions you’ve required for that ticket.
Whether you have one free registration or multiple registration options with different prices, tickets are an important part of your campaign's setup. Because tickets can operate differently on certain campaign styles, we will review them in detail, start with how they work on In-Person Events and P2P In-Person Events where they are required. If you are looking to enable tickets on a standard Peer-to-Peer or Virtual Challenge campaign where having ticketed registration can be optional, click here to jump to that section.
Configuring tickets on event-based campaigns
Tickets are a required component of registration on In-Person Event and P2P In-Person Event campaign types. When participants register, they select their registration preference by choosing a ticket and adding it to their cart. Before checking out, they will be able to add additional registrations, add a donation, or purchase any add-ons you are selling.
Before launching your campaign, you will want to review your ticket(s). Every event-based campaign starts with a free individual ticket you can customize for your needs.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Select Settings from the left side menu, then select Registration.
The first thing you’ll see in your Registration settings is the Ticket tab. If you are creating a new campaign, a free Individual Registration ticket is already added to your campaign to get you started. You can edit this ticket by clicking on the edit icon on the right or create a new ticket by clicking Add Ticket.
A pop-up will appear where you can configure settings for the ticket. Review each section on the left and the dropdown menus on the right to adjust your preferences for this particular ticket.
Click Save when complete.
Ticket Name and Short Description
What will your registration option be called? Is there any information or context you need to provide about this registration option? Use the Ticket Name field (required) and the Short Description field (optional) to adjust how your ticket will display so participants can make the correct selection. Below is an example of tickets with and without a short description.
Ticket Price and Quantity
You’ll find these fields under the Settings dropdown when editing your ticket. A ticket price is required, but you can enter $0 if your registration is free. If you need to adjust the tax-deductibility of your ticket, use the toggle provided. If you have a limited number of tickets available, enter the quantity under Ticket Quantity (optional). Note that your ticket quantity is not intended to limit the number of tickets an individual can purchase, but the total number of tickets you have available for this particular registration option.
If your ticket quantity limit is reached, your ticket type will display as Sold Out.
Collect Info
You can configure what contact information you’d like to collect for each registration option you provide. Under the Collect Info dropdown, you will see options for Name, Email, Address, and Phone Number. Name is required for every registration, but you can adjust if you’d like your registration form to include any of the other fields by indicating if they are Required, Optional, or Disabled. Disabled will remove them from your registration form entirely.
Note: If your event has a peer-to-peer component, an email will always be required if a participant elects to create a fundraising page. Emails can still be optional or disabled for non-fundraising participants.
Fundraising Commitment
You may see the Fundraising Commitment dropdown option if your event has a peer-to-peer component, allowing you to enable a minimum fundraising commitment on your ticket. Minimum fundraising commitments are used when your organization wants to require that participants raise a certain amount in donations before they can participate or earn incentives.
Click the toggle to enable the commitment, then set the commitment amount and the deadline fundraisers are expected to reach it by. These details will be displayed on the ticket at registration. You can also adjust the description that will appear in the waiver the participant signs at registration.
Enabling tickets on standard Peer-to-Peer and Virtual Challenges
Tickets are optional on standard Peer-to-Peer or Virtual Challenge campaigns, which tend to be virtual and/or free events where a participant’s registration experience primarily involves creating their fundraising page. If no ticket is added on these campaign types, participants joining the campaign proceed straight to creating their fundraising page or joining or creating a team.
If your standard Peer-to-Peer or Virtual Challenge campaign requires a registration payment or if you want to enable multiple registration options that participants choose from, you must enable a ticket or tickets using the steps below.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Select Settings from the left side menu, then select Registration.
The first thing you’ll see in your Registration settings is the Ticket tab. If you have made a new campaign, there will be no tickets added by default as tickets are not required for registration on these campaign types. Create a new ticket by selecting Add Ticket.
A pop-up will appear where you can configure settings for the ticket. Review each section to adjust your preferences for the ticket.
Click Save when complete.
Ticket Name and Description
What will your registration option be called? Is there any information or context you need to provide about this registration option? Use the Ticket Name field (required) and the Short Description field (optional) to adjust how your ticket will display so participants can make the correct selection. Below is an example of how tickets publicly display on standard Peer-to-Peer and Virtual Challenge campaigns.
Ticket Price and Quantity
A ticket price is required, but you can enter $0 if your registration is free. (Though if your registration is free, keep in mind that these campaign types do not require tickets to join and you can simply not use a ticket at all). If you need to adjust the tax-deductibility of your ticket, use the toggle provided. If you have a limited number of tickets available, enter the quantity under Ticket Quantity (optional).
Note: When participants join a standard Peer-to-Peer or Virtual Challenge campaign, they are required to make a Pledge It account by providing their name and email. You will receive their name and email as part of their registration, but if you need to collect additional contact information like Address or Phone Number, you will need to add those fields by visiting Settings > Registration and then navigating to the Collect Info tab.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I remove or delete a ticket?
Unused ticket types can be deleted. When viewing your Registration settings, click the edit icon on the ticket to open the edit window, then select the red Delete button in the bottom left corner. Ticket types that have been used cannot be deleted, but you can hide the ticket by adjusting the toggle on a ticket. The ticket will display as grayed out on your list of tickets to indicate it is hidden from public view.
How can I tell how many tickets I have sold of each type?
When viewing your tickets in your Registration settings, you will see a tally of how many tickets have been sold of each type. You can also monitor your ticket sales via the Recruit tab in your Dashboard, where the Participants table allows you to view registered participants filtered by ticket type. You can also download your Participants report, which includes a column noting the ticket type of each participant.
How can I turn off all registration options on my campaign?
To disable registration entirely and remove the Join button from your campaign, visit your campaign’s Dashboard and select Settings from the left hand menu. In General Settings, scroll down and adjust the toggle that says “Hide registration buttons." If you only want to disable your tickets but leave the Join button active to display a "No tickets are available message," you can simply toggle off all your tickets.