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Add or remove fundraising page from participant profile
Add or remove fundraising page from participant profile

Add or remove the fundraising page affiliated with a participant's registration

Updated over a week ago

Note: These steps only apply to P2P In-Person Event campaigns where participants can be given the option to create a fundraising page.

If fundraising is an optional component of your peer-to-peer campaign, you may have participants that change their preference about fundraising and either decide they do want to fundraise or decide they no longer want their fundraising page after they’ve signed up. In either scenario, you can add or remove a fundraising page from their participant profile on your campaign.


  1. Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.

  2. Go to the Recruit tab and search the Participants table for the participant whose fundraising page you’d like to add or remove.

  3. Click on their name to open their participant record. On the right side menu, click on the three dot menu then select Add Fundraising Page or Remove Fundraising. (The option displayed will depend on whether or not the participant already has a fundraising page.)

If adding a fundraising page

  • After selecting Add Fundraising Page, a pop-up will appear confirming the name and email address of the participant, if an email was provided. An email address is required to issue a fundraising page and you may need to confirm which email the participant would like to use. It must be an email that is not already in use by another fundraiser on the campaign.

  • Click Continue and confirm the participant’s fundraising goal and, if applicable, activity goal. They can make changes to these goals once they claim their page.

  • Click Continue after setting their goals. They will be sent an email with a link to finish setting up their page.

If removing a fundraising page

  • After selecting Remove Fundraising, a pop-up will appear confirming that you want to remove the participant as a fundraiser on the campaign. It will also give you the option to cancel their ticket (their overall registration on your campaign). If the participant is not planning to attend your event or engage in the campaign any further, you can check the box to cancel their ticket and they will be removed from your attendees as well.

  • Click Remove to confirm.

Note: Pledge It supports having non-fundraising participants be on teams. Removing a fundraising page from a participant does not affect their team member status (unless you choose to cancel their ticket and remove them from the campaign entirely). If a participant also wants to be removed from a team, click the double arrow symbol under their name and remove their team assignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to the donations a participant has raised if I remove their fundraising page?

If a fundraising page is removed from a participant that has received donations, their donations will be reassigned to their team (if they are on a team) or reassigned as general donations to your campaign if the participant was not affiliated with a team. The donations are not removed from your campaign.

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