If a participant forgot to join a team or needs to move to a different team, you can reassign them. Any donations they collected to their participant fundraising profile (or any registration dollars affiliated with their registration) will also be reassigned to their new team.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Go to the Recruit tab and search the Participants table for the fundraising participant you need to move.
While viewing the Participants table, click on the three dot menu and select Reassign.
Alternatively, you can click on their participant record and then click on the double arrow symbol under their name.
In the pop-up that appears, select a team from the dropdown menu of available teams that you would like to move them to.
Click Update.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the team captain notified when I reassign a new team member to their team?
Yes, the team captain will get an email notification that a new team member has joined. Other team members are not notified by email, but will see that a new team member has joined in the activity feed of their Team Dashboard.
I'm not seeing the option to reassign a participant.
Team features are only available on campaigns with a peer-to-peer component. If you are not seeing the options to utilize teams on your P2P campaign, confirm that you have the team option setting enabled under Settings > Teams.