Once a participant has joined your campaign and created a fundraising page, they are able to edit and customize their fundraising page if they want to change the photo, story, goals, or more. During registration, participants will be guided through the process of updating their fundraising page’s content from the default content provided, but they can also edit their profile at any time.
You also have the ability to edit the fundraising page of any participant. If a fundraiser needs assistance with their fundraising page, you can make changes for them by editing their fundraising profile.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Go to the Recruit tab and search the Participants table for the fundraising participant you need to reassign.
While viewing the Participants table, click on the three dot menu and select Edit Participant. Alternatively, you can click on their participant record and click on the Edit option in the top right corner above their name.
In the pop-up that appears, you will find a menu of options that review their information and allow you to make updates.
After making changes, click Save.
Note: Not all of the menu options will appear, depending on what peer-to-peer campaign type you are using. For example, the option to change a participant’s ticket type is only available on P2P In-Person Events.
Tip: If you’re viewing your public-facing campaign while logged in with your admin account, you’ll see a Manage button in the top right on any team or fundraiser page that you view. Clicking this will take you directly to their team or fundraiser profile.
Edit Options
The edit menu will have several sections you can review and update for participants. Below is a summary of what content you can edit for your fundraising participants:
Story: Change the cover photo, page title, page description, or overwrite the participant’s name with a public display name
Goals: Change their fundraising goal or activity goal (if activity tracking is enabled)
Ticket: Change their ticket type (if running a P2P In-Person Event campaign)
Details: Edit their responses to custom questions completed at registration
Team: Change their team designation or adjust their team captain status
Sharing: Change the vanity URL of their fundraising page
Note: If a fundraiser was registered by another participant on a P2P In-Person Event and has not yet claimed the fundraising page created for them, you will also see an additional menu for Contact Info where you can change the participant’s name and email address. This may be necessary only if they were registered under the wrong email and you need to reissue their fundraising page invitation to them.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change a participant’s profile picture?
The profile photo displayed for a participant is tied to their personal Pledge It account. Because of this, only the participant can change their photo. However, if a participant does not set a profile photo, their profile photo will display whatever image you have set as the default profile image on their fundraising page. If you have not set a default image, their profile photo will remain blank.
Share the following instructions with a fundraiser if you need to guide them in how to change their profile photo:
Visit the campaign page and sign in, if you are not already logged in.
Click the profile icon in the top right corner of the page and select Manage Account.
Your profile photo and contact info will be displayed. You can either remove your profile photo or upload a new photo.