Note: This feature only applies to In-Person Event or P2P In-Person Event campaign types.
If a participant who has registered on your campaign notifies you they are no longer able to attend, you can cancel their ticket. This will remove them from your attendee count.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Go to the Recruit tab and search the Participants table for the individual whose ticket you need to cancel.
While viewing the Participants table, click on the three dot menu and select Mark as canceled. Alternatively, you can click on their participant record, select the three dot menu below their name, and select Mark ticket as canceled.
In the pop-up that appears, confirm by clicking Cancel Ticket.
This will mark the participant’s ticket as canceled and remove it from your participant count. This will not refund the ticket buyer or change the order total if a registration payment was made. Any refunds need to be processed separately in Stripe.
Note: If you are marking someone’s ticket as canceled on a P2P In-Person Event where they may have created a fundraising page and/or joined a team, you may also need to remove their fundraising page and/or team affiliation if they are no longer interested in fundraising. While viewing their participant profile, open the three dot menu and select Remove fundraising and/or use the Reassign option to remove their team affiliation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do participants receive a cancelation email if I cancel their ticket?
No. There is no notification triggered to participants when their ticket is canceled, as we assume you are already in communication with them about canceling their ticket.
Can I undo canceling someone’s ticket?
Yes. You can mark a ticket as active once it has been canceled. This will add the participant back into your attendee count. Follow the same steps above, selecting “Mark as active” from the three dot menu. This will not re-charge participants.
Am I able to view a list of all canceled participants?
Your Participant report includes a list of all your participants, including canceled participants. You will see a column marked Ticket Status, which you can filter to view just your canceled participants.