The Sponsors feature allows you to display, sell, and manage your sponsorship packages. If your sponsor packages include tickets to your event and you’ve assigned tickets to a package, sponsors will receive a unique invite code that can be used to register their attendees.
Note: The invite code is not the same as a discount code. If you are not using the Sponsors feature, but need to offer discounted registrations, learn more about how discount codes work.
You will be able to monitor how many of each sponsor’s tickets have been claimed and cancel tickets if needed. If you need to resend the invite code to sponsors, you’ll be able to copy it or resend their receipt that includes the invite code.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Select Sponsors from the left side menu.
In the Sponsors table, click on the name of a sponsor to pull up more details about their sponsorship.
If tickets are included in their package, you will see a summary of how many tickets were provided and how many have been claimed. Unclaimed tickets are displayed as “Guest of” the sponsor until the invite code is used, at which point the registered individual’s name will appear.
Use the three dot menu for each registered participant to Edit Participant or Cancel Ticket as needed.
Note: When you sell a sponsorship package that includes tickets, your event’s attendee count (displayed under the Recruit tab of your dashboard) will reflect the total number of attendees assuming that all the sponsor tickets will be used. This can help you monitor your maximum event capacity. Use the Participants table to view just your registered participants.
Frequently Asked Questions
A sponsor participant is no longer able to attend. Am I able to free up their ticket for a different person to use?
Yes. Follow the steps above to cancel their ticket. This will mark their ticket as canceled and remove it from your registered participant count. It also updates the number of sponsor tickets available for that sponsor, allowing their invite code to be used for another person to register the canceled participant’s place. You will still see a record of the canceled registration. This process does not trigger any notification to the sponsor participant, as we assume they have already been in communication with you or the sponsor.
Can I input information for the sponsor participants?
While it's preferential for attendees to register on their own or for the sponsor to register them, you can use the invite code to register the sponsor participants if needed. Go to your campaign’s registration and enter the invite code for that sponsor. You will be taken to the ticket affiliated with their package. Choose “This ticket is for someone else” from the dropdown menu and input details for one of the sponsor attendees. Add their ticket and repeat, using the invite code each time until you have registered all participants.
If you use this method on a P2P In-Person Event campaign and choose to create fundraising pages for participants, they will receive an email with a link to claim their fundraising page.
Do sponsor participants have to register for my event?
That’s up to you. Your dashboard will help track your total attendees vs registered participants for planning purposes. If using the Table Seating feature on an In-Person Event, you will be able to assign “Guest of [Sponsor]” participants to tables to help you plan and seat attendees. If using the Check In feature on event day, you will be able to see all “Guest of [Sponsor]” attendees and enter their name and details when checking them in. However, sponsor attendees won’t be able to receive communication from your campaign if they haven’t signed up in advance.