Note: This feature is specific to In-Person Event campaigns.
If you are hosting an event on Pledge It, your campaign’s Dashboard will feature additional tools to help you manage event logistics, including a table seating feature. This tool will allow you to create and label tables, assign participants to tables, reserve table seats for sponsor participants, and export your seating arrangement.
As you begin assigning participants to tables, you will see a tally in the top right corner showing how many participants have been seated (in green) and how many participants are unseated (in red). You can export your seating arrangement at any time, which will download in a .csv file.
Create a table or tables
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Select Event Day from the left side menu then click on the Seating tab.
Click Add Table.
Adjust the toggle to Single Table or Multiple Tables depending on how many tables you need to add.
If adding a single table, indicate the number of seats and set your nickname for the table.
If adding multiple tables, indicate how many tables you are adding and the number of seats available per table. You will be able to set a nickname for individual tables after they are created.
Click Create Table(s).
Your dashboard will refresh to show the tables you’ve added, which will initially be empty. Each table will be numbered and have the option for a nickname to help you identify the table. A gear icon will allow you to edit a table to change the nickname or number of seats available. An edit icon will allow you to edit seating assignments at that table.
Assign attendees to tables
While viewing your table seating arrangement, click on the Edit icon in the top right of a table to edit the seating arrangement. You can also click on any open seat where it says Add Participant.
A pop-up will appear. In the left pane, you will see a list of all your participants, which can be sorted by whether they are seated or unseated. In the right pane, you will see a list of participants seated at the table you are editing.
Use the search bar in the left pane (or scroll through the list) to find the participant you’d like to assign to the table. You can search by name, email, order number, or sponsor name.
After finding a participant you’d like to assign, click on their name to assign them to the table.
Continue assigning any other participants to the table, then click Save Changes.
Change table assignment
While viewing your table seating arrangement, click on the name of the participant whose seat you’d like to reassign.
In the pop-up that appears, choose a new table to place them at. Only tables with open seats will appear in the list of options.
Click Save Changes.
Reserve seats for sponsor participants
Note: This feature only applies if you are using the Sponsors feature and are selling sponsorship packages that include tickets.
Create a table or identify a table with open seats where you’d like to place sponsor participants.
Click on the Edit icon to edit the seat assignments.
In the pop-up that appears, use the search bar to search by sponsor name. This will pull up all the tickets included in the sponsor’s package. Claimed tickets will feature a participant’s name and unclaimed tickets will be listed as “Guest of” the sponsor.
Assign the sponsor tickets to the table as needed.
Click Save Changes.
As participants claim their sponsor tickets, their names will automatically populate on their assigned table, replacing the “Guest of” placeholders.