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Enable activity tracking

Create an activity-based peer-to-peer campaign by allowing participants to track activity and donors to make pledges

Updated over a week ago

Pledge It allows you to create fun, competitive fundraising campaigns through activity-based performance. Participants in your fundraising campaign set a goal for their activity and track their performance during your campaign. Donors supporting that fundraiser are able to support them with a pledge per activity or a flat donation.

Activity-based campaigns can create a strong sense of community among your fundraisers, add some friendly competition to your leaderboards, and give participants a fun way to challenge themselves beyond just collecting donations.

Note: Enabling activity tracking impacts the experience for both participants and donors on your campaign. Donors will have the option to leave pledges in addition to flat donations and participants will be expected to post their final results in order to collect on any pledges. If you are using this feature for the first time, review How Pledging Works.

When you create a new campaign with a peer-to-peer component, you will be asked if fundraisers will be tracking their activity. If you indicate Yes, this feature will be enabled on your campaign immediately and you’ll set your activity window during campaign setup. If you choose No and later change your mind, you can enable activity tracking in your settings using the steps below.


  1. Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.

  2. Select Settings from the left hand menu, then select Activity Tracking.

  3. On the Activity Tracking page, you will see that Activity Tracking is toggled off. Adjust the toggle in the top right corner to turn Activity Tracking on.

  4. The next screen will prompt you to choose if you want participants to track the same activity or if you want them to be able to choose from multiple activity metrics you provide. Select either Track single activity or Choose their activity.

  5. Next, you will need to choose the activity (or activities) you’d like participants to track. In the dropdown menu that appears, you can either select a preset metric from the list or scroll down down to Custom and select Add New. This will allow you to create your own metric. Click Next when finished.

    1. If you are using the multi-metric option, you can continue to add as many new metrics as you like. Participants will see a dropdown menu at registration allowing them to pick a metric from the options you’ve added.

  6. The final step is to provide the activity tracking dates, or the window of time in which participants will be encouraged to log their activity.

    1. If you are enabling activity tracking on a P2P In-Person Event campaign, you'll skip this step automatically as your activity tracking date will be the same as your event date.

    2. If you are creating a Virtual Challenge campaign, you will need to enter a start and end date for activity tracking.

  7. Click Save when complete.

Review your new settings to make sure everything looks correct. You can continue to make changes to the activity being tracked until participants have joined your campaign. After participants begin signing up, your activity metric option is locked. Your tracking dates can also be changed up until those dates have passed.

Note: Activity tracking can be enabled on both standard Peer-to-Peer campaigns (turning the campaign into what we call a Virtual Challenge) and P2P In-Person Event campaigns. Activity tracking varies slightly on each.

  • Participants in Virtual Challenge campaigns will have the option to receive regular reminder emails about logging their activity throughout the duration of the campaign. The intention is that they regularly log progress towards their goal over a period of time (i.e. more than 1 day). An example of a Virtual Challenge is a monthly movement challenge allowing participants to log the miles they complete through the whole month.

  • Participants on P2P In-Person Events with activity enabled will receive a reminder on event day that they can post their activity. They can post any time within the event date range of your campaign (even if it is more than one day long), but the intention is that they are likely going to make one or two updates and be done. An example of a P2P In-Person Event is a golf marathon where participants log their holes played on event day.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I turn off activity tracking?

Activity tracking can be disabled only if there are no participants on your campaign. Once participants join, this setting becomes locked. If you are experimenting with activity tracking before you publicly launch your campaign and decide to not use it, you can disable it. Any staff or test participant profiles you’ve made will need to be deleted first.

Can activity tracking be optional for participants?

All participants will be expected to enter an activity goal when creating a fundraising page on your campaign. There is no option for participants to opt out of activity tracking entirely, but they can control their activity goal. Entering a goal of 1 is the easiest way for them to control that.

Can participants choose their own activity metric?

If you choose the multi-metric option for activity tracking on your campaign, participants will be able to choose from a list of activity metrics you enable. They cannot generate their own metric.

What happens after the activity window closes?

Participants will be prompted to finalize their activity. Even if they have already been logging activity, the platform will prompt them to confirm they are finished and that their total is correct. This finalizes their performance and makes sure any donors who pledged can be invoiced correctly. There is a week-long wrap-up period (seven days) after your activity window closes where participants are expected to finalize their total. You can review this process in more detail by visiting How Pledging Works.

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