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Edit activity tracking dates

Change the activity window in which participants log their performance on your activity-based campaign

Updated over 2 months ago

If you are running a peer-to-peer campaign with activity tracking enabled, we recommend that you determine and set your activity tracking dates before launching your campaign. The activity tracking dates are important because they shape both participant expectations and the pledging experience for donors, who are notified of the date their pledge will be charged in relation to your activity tracking dates.

However, plans can change and you may need to alter the activity tracking dates. You can use the steps below to alter your activity tracking dates before or after launching your campaign. Confirm your campaign type before proceeding, as the steps differ for virtual campaigns vs. event-based campaigns.

Note: Making changes to the tracking dates after participants have joined and begun collecting pledges means that donors who pledged before you made these changes may have a pledge confirmation email that includes the incorrect charge date. If they manage their pledge, they will see the updated charge date and any future invoice they receive will note the new charge date.

Change activity tracking dates on a Virtual Challenge

  1. Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.

  2. Select Settings from the left hand menu, then select Activity Tracking.

  3. You’ll see the current start and end date for your activity window in the Tracking Dates box. These dates can be changed if needed up until the dates arrive. Click Edit in the corner of this box.

  4. If your dates are upcoming, you will be able to adjust both. If your activity window has already begun, you cannot retroactively change the start date, but you can adjust the end date.

  5. Click Save when finished.

Change activity tracking dates on a P2P In-Person Event

Activity tracking on event-based campaigns is tied to the date of your event. Changing your activity tracking date(s) means changing the date of your event.

  1. Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.

  2. Select Settings on the left hand menu.

  3. At the top of the General Settings page, select the Event tab.

  4. Adjust the start and end date of your event. If your event is a single day, enter the same date in both fields.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Select Activity Tracking from the left side menu and to confirm that the activity tracking date(s) have updated.

Note: If you are changing your activity date after participants have already joined your campaign, be aware that their original registration confirmation email will include an inaccurate event date. Be sure to communicate any changes in expectations to your fundraisers as needed.

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