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Monitor Community updates

Monitor, edit, or feature updates posted by fundraisers

Updated over a week ago

Every peer-to-peer campaign on Pledge It has a central Community that connects your fundraisers. The Community is much like an internal social feed for your campaign, allowing fundraisers to post, browse, and react to messages and updates posted by other participants.

How It Works

For Participants

Participants can access the Community anytime they are logged into their fundraising page by selecting Community on the menu that appears when they are logged in

Participants can use the the community to:

  • Get inspired by quickly browsing the updates and personal stories shared by other participants in your event

  • Connect and support each other by liking and reacting to the posts of their fellow fundraisers, and seeing reactions from their peers and donors

  • Engage in the community by posting and sharing their personal stories, which will display on the new Community feed, their team dashboard, and their personal fundraising page

For Donors

  • Donors will receive email notifications when a participant they’re supporting posts an update

  • Donors now have the ability to react to the personal stories and updates shared by participants with celebratory and encouraging emojis

  • While donors cannot visit the Community on your campaign, they can see updates posted on individual and team fundraising pages or updates you feature on the campaign

For Campaign Organizers

  • You can browse the Community from your campaign dashboard by visiting Community on the left hand menu or by going to the React tab in your campaign’s Dashboard. You’ll find three easy views to browse the posts and messages from your community members:

    • Noteworthy: A summary of the most interesting posts from your participants with photos and personal messages

    • Recent: A chronological view of all posts from your participants

    • Featured: The posts you’ve decided to highlight on the homepage of your campaign

  • You can decide to feature any notable posts that you’d like to show publicly on the campaign by clicking on the star icon or Feature button.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I edit posts if a participant has posted something inappropriate?

Yes, you can edit any participant’s posts or choose to delete their post. When viewing their update, click on the Edit option in the top right corner.

Do participants get a notification to visit the Community when there are new posts?

Participants are nudged to visit the Community and share their story a few days after joining your campaign. They do not get email updates when there is new activity for them to view in the Community. Your Message Center templates do include a few suggested messages you can use to encourage folks to visit the Community on a regular basis.

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