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Resend Order Receipt

Resend the Order Receipt to a participant

Updated over 2 months ago

If a participant did not receive their Order Receipt or can’t find it and needs a copy resent to them, you can easily resend their receipt.


  1. Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.

  2. Select Orders from the left hand menu.

  3. Click on the name of the order you need to cancel to open the order snapshot.

  4. Select the Resend Receipt button in the top right corner.

  5. In the pop-up that appears, confirm that you want to resend the receipt by clicking Send.

Note: Every order has a unique number. You’ll see an order number listed when viewing a participant’s registration record and can click on it to be taken immediately to the order snapshot, where you can resend the receipt.

Frequently Asked Questions

The order purchaser’s email address has a typo. How can I update it before resending their receipt?

While viewing their order snapshot, click Edit next to the purchaser’s name. Update their contact info, click Save, then go ahead with resending their receipt using the steps above.

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