You can cancel any donation to remove it from your campaign total and hide it from public view. Canceling a donation does not refund the donation–it simply removes it from your campaign total. Refunds must be performed separately via your Stripe account.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Under the Raise tab, search for the donation in the Donations table.
Click on the donation record to pull up more details about the gift and donor.
On the three dot menu in the right sidebar, select Mark as Canceled.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens to this donation in my data exports when it is canceled?
Canceled donations will not appear in your Donations Report or Transaction Report. However, you will still see canceled donations listed in the Donations table in your Campaign Dashboard. They will display with a strikethrough to show they are canceled and be flagged as such when you open the donation record.
Can I undo canceling a donation?
Yes. Canceled donations remain in your dashboard. Simply pull up that donation record and use the three dot menu on the right sidebar to select Mark as Active.
Is the donor notified when I cancel their donation?
No. Donors are not notified if their donations are marked as canceled. We assume that if you are canceling a donation, you are already in communication with the donor about their refund.