You can easily move donations around to ensure they’re credited to the appropriate fundraiser or team.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Under the Raise tab, search for the donor’s donation in the Donations table.
Click on the three dot menu on their donation line item and select Move Donation.
Alternatively, you can click on the donation record to pull up additional details about their gift. In the three dot menu, select Reassign Donation.
In the pop-up that appears, indicate which fundraiser or team the donation should be assigned to. If the donation was intended for the general campaign, simply clear out any credited fundraiser or team to reassign it to the campaign as a whole.
Click Update.
Reassign donation via the Donation Table
Reassign donation via the Donation Record
Credit donation
Frequently Asked Questions
Are fundraisers or teams notified if I reassign a donation to their team?
If the donation is reassigned to a fundraiser, the fundraiser receiving the donation will get an email notification that they have received a donation. If the donation is reassigned to a team, the team captain of the team receiving the donation will get an email notification. No notification is sent to teams or fundraisers if a donation is reassigned away from their page.
Is the donor notified if I reassign their donation?
No, the donor is not notified if their gift is reassigned.
Can I split a donation between two or more fundraisers?
There is not a way to split a donation that's already been made online, but what you can do is cancel that donation, then add offline donations for the split amount that you credit to each individual as needed.
Canceling a donation does not refund any money or notify the donor, but does remove the funds from your campaign's total and fundraiser/team pages, allowing you to add multiple offline donations that total the correct amount without over-inflating your campaign's total.