The Sponsors feature allows you to display, sell, and manage your sponsorship packages. While you can offer those packages for sale online, there may be instances where you need to manually add offline sponsors.
When manually adding sponsors, you’ll be able to collect a credit card payment over the phone or indicate an offline cash/check payment. When adding offline payments, you’ll be able to mark if the sponsor’s funds have been received (triggering a receipt) or leave them as unpaid while still publicly recognizing them in your Sponsors logo display (if using).
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Select Sponsors from the left side menu.
In the top right corner of your Sponsors dashboard, click Create then select Sponsor.
Under Sponsorship Information, enter the Sponsor Name and select which Sponsorship Package they are purchasing. If you were provided a logo, you can upload it and provide the website you’d like it hyperlinked to. If no logo is uploaded, the Sponsor Name will display as text.
Under Contact Info, enter contact information for the sponsor. The Sponsors Receipt will be sent to this email.
Under Payment Information, choose if you are taking an online payment over the phone or if you are adding an offline cash/check payment.
If you have enabled additional custom questions for sponsors, you will see those questions under Additional Information and can enter their details. This may not appear if you have not added custom questions for sponsors.
Click Create Sponsor.
Your Sponsors dashboard will update with new data showing your total amount raised through sponsorships and you’ll see the new sponsor listed in the table display, which will indicate at a glance if they are Paid or Unpaid and how many tickets they received, if any.
Note: If you have enabled the Sponsors logo display, the sponsor logo (or name, if no logo was provided) will immediately be displayed in the appropriate tier of your display. You can enable this display by visiting Settings > Campaign Page and adding a new section for Sponsors.
Mark As Paid
If you added an offline sponsors and did not indicate that you had received their payment, you can return to mark their sponsorship as paid when their check or funds arrive. You can also choose to change their payment type if they have changed their mind and would rather pay by card, allowing you to take their payment over the phone.
Visit your campaign's Dashboard and select Sponsors on the left side menu.
Select the sponsor from the table in your Sponsors dashboard.
A summary of their sponsorship details will appear. Scroll down to the Payment Details section.
Click Mark as Paid. The sponsor will receive the Sponsors Receipt noting their payment has been fulfilled.
Note: If you need to change the payment method, you can change the payment type from cash/check to credit card and take a payment over the phone. Click Change Payment Method. Enter the sponsor’s credit card information in the pop-up that appears and click Save. Upon clicking Save, their card will be charged and they will receive a receipt. Should there be an issue you will be notified immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are sponsorship dollars included in my campaign’s fundraising thermometer?
Yes. Your campaign’s fundraising thermometer shows the total of all your funds raised, including sponsorships.
Can I resend a receipt to a sponsor?
Yes. Select the sponsor who needs a receipt resent from the table in your Sponsors dashboard. You will pull up a summary of their sponsorship. Scroll down to the Payment Info section and click the button that says Resend Receipt.