When collecting donations, you can determine how much information you want to collect from your donors and if that information is required or optional.
Visit your campaign’s Dashboard.
Select Settings from the sidebar menu.
Select Donation Options from the Settings menu.
Under the Collect Info tab, adjust your preferences for collecting Address and Phone Number. Note that Name and Email are required of all donors.
If you need to ask donors additional questions, you can choose to add additional fields.
Click Save.
The available questions you can add include:
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
Phone Number
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I view responses to donor questions?
Your Donations Report will include responses to donor custom questions. You can also view individual responses in your Dashboard by pulling up a donation record.
Best Practices
While it’s tempting to learn as much as you can from donors, keep in mind that you want your donation experience to be quick and streamlined to ensure a smooth checkout. The more questions you ask, the more likely someone may abandon their gift.