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Create a Program

Group campaigns together on a custom landing page

Updated over 2 months ago

Programs allow you to group campaigns together under a single multi-page site. They’re most commonly used for campaigns with multiple events happening across a region, like a national walk series with events in different states that each need their own registration.

Programs allow you to the option to:

  • Display your total amount raised across a series of campaigns

  • Show a list of campaigns available for people to join (and redirecting them to their campaign of choice)

  • Curate a customizable page with custom content, impact stories, sponsor logos, and more

  • Easily access data exports across your entire campaign series


  1. From your Organization Dashboard, select Programs.

  2. Select Create Program.

  3. Follow the prompts to choose a name for your program, assign any existing campaigns to your Program, and provide contact information that will be displayed on your Program page. Click Create Program.

  4. You’ll be taken to your Program Dashboard, where you will see all campaigns assigned to your program along with a summary of total dollars raised, total participants, and total donations.

  5. Visit the Settings menu to continue designing your Program page.

    1. Select General Settings to adjust the Program name or contact info, assign a Vanity URL or change custom colors.

    2. Select Donation Settings to determine what information is collected from donors who give directly to your Program.

    3. Select Program page to customize the public-facing content on the page, such as the header or additional sections you add for the campaign listing, logos, or custom content.

Frequently Asked Questions

I added several campaigns to a Program, but they aren’t showing on the landing page.

You’ll want to enable the Campaign Listing content block. From your Program’s dashboard, select Settings > Program page > Add Section, then choose Campaign Listing.

If donors donate to my Program, will it allow them to credit their donation to a fundraiser participating in one of the campaigns?

Donors who make donations directly via your Program page will only have the option of leaving a general donation. To support a specific participant, they will have to visit the campaign that participant has joined. Most donors are likely to visit the fundraising page or team page of someone that’s invited them to give, so they might not frequent the Program page as often as participants looking to join one of your campaigns.

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