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Monitor outstanding pledges

Ensure participants have entered performance results to collect on pledges

Updated over a week ago

During the seven-day wrap-up period, your campaign’s Dashboard will display a new section labeled Outstanding Pledges if there are participants who have collected pledges, but have not finalized their results. You will find this located under the Raise tab next to your Donations table.

The Outstanding Pledges display will show you:

  • a summary of how much money in outstanding pledges could be collected if participants confirm their results

  • the deadline for participants to enter their results

  • how many reminder emails have been sent to participants

  • a list of participants and the amount in pledges associated with each of them

If the deadline passes and a fundraiser who had collected a pledge still has 0 as their performance total, the donor will receive a $0 invoice for their pledge. Their pledge invoice will include a link for them to manage their pledge should they want to adjust the amount, but to ensure a smooth collection of pledge funds, it is important for you to either contact the participant to have them enter their results or for you to enter results on their behalf.

From the Outstanding Pledges page, you can:

  • Message all participants without outstanding pledges to remind them to finalize their results

  • Copy the email addresses of individuals so you can send them a quick 1:1 message

  • Enter performance results for participants

Click on the three dot menu to the right of a participant's name to view your options. If you choose to enter results for a participant, you will be taken to their fundraising profile page and the Updates section. You will need to post an update on their behalf and follow the prompts to confirm they are finished.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't see the Outstanding Pledges section on my campaign, but I have participants who I know haven't entered results yet.

The Outstanding Pledges display only shows you participants who have collected pledges but haven't finalized their performance results yet. If a participant who only received flat donations has not entered their performance results, they will not appear on this table as they have no pledges at risk.

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