Account Basics
Activate your Pledge It account, invite your team, and update your account information
10 articles
Campaign Setup
Create a campaign, customize your page, and begin fundraising
16 articles
Manage online, offline, and recurring donations on your campaigns
13 articles
Fundraisers & Teams
Manage fundraiser and team pages on peer-to-peer campaigns
17 articles
Registration & Tickets
Customize registration options, enable add-ons, and manage participants
10 articles
Pledges & Activity Tracking
Enable and manage activity tracking and pledging on peer-to-peer campaigns
10 articles
Auctions & Raffles
Run, manage, and fulfill silent auctions or online raffles
16 articles
Display, sell, and manage sponsorship packages
6 articles
Event Day Features
Manage table seating, event check-in, and live displays
4 articles
Communication Tools
Quickly and easily communicate with your campaign's supporters
3 articles
Reporting & Integrations
Access your data exports and manage integration options
3 articles