If you’re setting up your organization for the very first time, check out our walkthrough of how to set up your Pledge It account.
Pledge It customers can reactivate or update their Pledge It membership at any time, including changing the billing frequency.
Log into Pledge It to access your Pledge It user profile.
From your Account Home, click on the name of your organization to visit your Organization Dashboard.
Click on the Membership icon in the top right corner, which will list "Inactive" or "Active" depending on the status of your membership.
If reactivating a lapsed membership, you will be prompted to select the Monthly or Annual option.
If updating a membership from monthly to annual (or vice versa), you will see a summary of your current membership and can click Update Subscription.
On the checkout form, confirm an email address for your billing contact, payment method, card details, and click Subscribe.
You can click the Membership icon in your Organization Dashboard at anytime to:
View your subscription renewal date
Update your subscription
Cancel your subscription
Change your payment method
Update your billing information
View your invoice history where you can download receipt of payment